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We provide a new form of Quasi Healthcare Insurance Exchange (AHIE) to spur a bottom-up economic growth for upward mobility of the underclass. In poor countries RURAL communities and villages obtain Medical Care through Mobile Outreach Clinics called Grass-Root Medicine.  A Central Medical Clinic supports the Mobile Outreach Clinic. The system is integrated using a series of software systems for real-time communication in sharing patient data exchanging collecting data and documenting into a Patient Medical Text Book.

Recovered and recovering patients who are able to work are encouraged to participate in buy-in programs at low-interest work loans obtained for private investment projects such as farming. The funds for financing are called Endowment Funds. The main idea is to deconstruct the culture of dependency to move poor people and treated patients who are able to work into a working class. Patients who are healthy and can work are encouraged to enroll into the quasi-healthcare insurance exchange program. Retail Medical Care for the poor is a system of bringing care to patients through Mobile Healthcare programs supported by a Clinic – focusing on preventive care and treatment of diseases that can be handled at the Mobile Clinic level or transferred to the Clinic. The Clinic is linked to World-class hospitals in the United States such as Harvard Teaching Hospitals through Tele-Medicine. Microhealth Global Office in the United States is affiliated and integrated with other hospitals using various SLAs and Collaborative Care Protocols. We literally evacuate the treatment process for review and modification based on transmitted data without physically evacuating the patient. Microhealth Global Co. covers the cost of treatment.

Some critical cases are referred to Cameroon Reference Hospitals with guidelines for ongoing treatment from Medical Experts located in the United States. We enforce Patient confidentiality and adhere strictly to USA HIPAA regulations. Any local government will not compromise this requirement because of International WHO Standards.

The integrated health and healthcare program combines Mobile Healthcare Clinics Microhealth Global Medical Center Motorbike Ambulances and Follow-up Visits at homes.  Introducing Quasi Healthcare Insurance Exchange as a requirement for “free care” serves the following purposes:

  1. Motivate recovered and recovering patients to  engage in some form of economic activity
  2. Working is a form of physical exercise and is promoted without a formal gym workout (transparent workout)
  3. If more people are working a reconstruction of a working class forms that is less dependent on Government for free healthcare
  4. Profit generated provides basic necessities and increase in standard of living
  5. Increased economic activity means more people are able to pay taxes
  6. Instead of the people looking for handouts from the Local Governments the Local Governments starts building infrastructure to the ensure flow of revenue from the communities to sustain the government
  7. The people then own a responsive government that has less impact on people since they are self-sufficient – Emergence of democratic principles as a by-product.
  8. The end result is the creation of civil societies that respect rule of law less inter-village conflicts and personal responsibility
  9. A mutually respectable partnership starts forming between the rural people and the local government
  10. Based on our Partner Manager rules of transparency and accountability are not only defined but ensure efficiency and effectiveness of the health and healthcare program motivated by microfinance systems.

Quasi Healthcare Insurance Exchange therefore is a form of market insurance system. A pool of subscribers who are members participating in microfinance programs such as farming are rewarded with quality medical care.

Participants set aside same amount from profits similar to Medicare deductions in the United States which are invested to cover their health care needs. The pool is not segregated into young old healthy or patients with pre-existing conditions. THE ONLY REQUIREMENT IS THE ABILITY TO ENGAGE IN SOME FORM OF WORK PROGRAM managed by Partners Manager not included here.

The pool is afforded low rates (regulated by Partners Manager) for medical care provisions based on volumes since Microhealth Global Co managers the system. This is not a government program but initiated through community development and capacity building. It is established and supported by a market based social economic system. The system reduces the burden of governments to cover medical care for the poor. Those who cannot enroll into the programs will continue to obtain low-level care from Government Hospitals or Health Centers where resources are lagging. As a result we will see a shift of dwindling patient volume from government run hospitals into Quasi Healthcare Insurance Exchange because more and more people will enroll into the new program.

Several software system programs control this system. An attempt to employ it in any community without all the parts to mitigate unintended consequences will fail and force more patients into misery and unrepentant suffering. Copying this overview is illegal and a disclaimed from the creator. The programs are based on a six years research and development (R&D) with review literature theories laws and software systems.

© Copyright Dr Agwo Tata. All rights reserved.

No part of this plan concept or approach should be reproduced implemented redacted copied for use modified or transmitted by any means electronic mechanical photocopying recording or otherwise without written permission from the Author and his attorney. The copyright concepts are published with Northeastern University Massachusetts USA.

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